ja sam ranjivost

the festival exhibition

Ja Sam Ranjivost

srb "I am vulnerability"

semi-curatorial project as a part of Serbian Biennale of Youth 2023

Vulnerability is always somewhere around us. What does she look like? In what contexts do we experience it and what should we do with this feeling?

As expat curators in Serbia, we are acutely aware of vulnerability. Having lost stability, not fully understanding what awaits us next, we nevertheless want to look at the vulnerable situation from a different angle. This is a special condition, and it seems important to us that it brings not only pain, but also a resource of strength.

The exhibition will revolve around a lyrical heroine named Vulnerability. Who is Vulnerability? Is she a sensation or a state? Does she come from inside or from outside? We want to get face to face with her, materialize, look into her eyes and - become friends.

We imagine Vulnerability as a person, we want to feel her character, find her “hero arch”. To do this, we collaborate with an artist working with artificial intelligence: AI voices over works of art, offering new sound variations every day based on the visual of the exhibition and text tags, thus placing works of art in a new context every day. The works of artists interpreting the image of vulnerability are daily placed in different environments: vulnerability & domestic violence, vulnerability & nature, vulnerability & war, and so on.

It is important for us to say that we are against violence and war and any form of discrimination. We welcome art works that support the anti-war agenda and talk about how vulnerable war makes us.

The exhibition was gathered together through an open call and includes artists from all over the world who relate to vulnerable groups in one way or another. We would like to give a voice to those who are often not given that voice.

the official poster for

Ja Sam Ranjivost

srb "I am vulnerability"

video excursion at the opening (cameraman Yaroslav Bulavin):


26’09 - at Rimski Bunar

20:30-20:45 music set Sasha Galianov - Kyrie Eleison

21:00-22:00 Dajanini Sinovi art collective

28’09 - at Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić

19:30-19:45 Ksenia Kudasova “object of a meme as a vulnerable subject” lecture

20:00-21:30 Andrei Kozaredov “It’s okay to cry”: how the popular music of 2010-s has taught us to dare to be heartbroken and vulnerable” lecture

29’09 - at Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić

19:30-21:00 video art evening

30’09 - at Rimski Bunar

17:00 doors

17:30 Kota Davudova “being” performance

18:00 Sanja Vasic “Holes as Portals/ Fires as Portals / Wounds as Portals” performance

18:30 Olga Uzikaeva, Rade Obradovic, Maxim Korolev “'ŠTA ĆEMO_2.0'” performance

01’10 - at Rimski Bunar

17:00 doors

17:30-18:00 so.any performance

18:00 - 19:00 šumsko voće clarinet electronic performance

Place - Roman Well, Kalemegdan Fortress - Belgrade

Co-curator - Nu Simakina

AI artist - endlea

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